Friday, January 27, 2012

Never say Never...Okay Maybe Sometimes

To me forgiving is something real easy to do. The statement “Not forgiving someone is like drinking the poison and waiting for the other man to die” to me it means that if you hold a grudge it’s like drinking poison it only cause you harm and not the other person. So forgive and forget, life goes on.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


If I could be a fly on the wall I would want to observe all my teachers when they are making the semester test. This would give me an advantage because I would know all the answers to all the semester test, this would make the last week of school the easiest ever. I would also like to observe when they are making the star test, so when I take those test, it’s easy. I would also enjoy being a fly, it would be fun because you can fly around and make people mad by buzzing around them.

Friday, January 13, 2012


     Sovietopia is a island located on a island on in the middle of the atlantic ocean. A utopia is a place where everything is perfect, that’s why sovietopia is all controlled by a computer. The computer is in the center of the island and was created by Stephan Hawkings, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs. With these three intelligent people, they made the greatest operating system of all time, it never makes a mistake. The system is called macwindowshawkings. They really couldn’t come up with a name so they just mixed their names together. The whole island has roads for cars, but in sovietopia car drives you. Anyone can live in sovietopia but in order to live their they have to pay one million dollars per person since the island so perfect. Their is many laws in sovietopia and if you break any of the laws, the law will break you and you will be released back into your old habitat.