Thursday, May 10, 2012

Top 5 things to do when your bored!

1). Shooting guns or just blowing things up. Also having air-soft wars.
2). Park-our - Jumping across obstacles and doing tricks while looking cool.
3). Skateboarding, rollerblading, and dancing.
4). Gymkhana - The act of drifting in a empty parking lot or a wide open space.
5). Snailing - The act of laying on random objects in the form of a snail. (10X more hardcore than planking.)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Know when to stop

     In some cases doing less is sometimes better than doing more. Like for instance if your doing parkour and jumping over things and doing flips and you try to do a trick and you do it perfectly right the first time, know when to stop. Because if you do it again you can seriously injure yourself or break something really expensive. You need to know when to stop because the second time doesn’t always work out. In this case doing less is better than doing more.