Friday, September 28, 2012

New Crib

     After arriving at my house one Saturday evening I noticed that someone had destroyed my home. The  web that took me an entire 40 minutes to complete was now destroyed, this really got me annoyed because that was the 3rd time this has happened this week. So I decided I should just relocate to another destination. I was entering this dark fuzzy hole that  seemed to be pretty cozy. As I went deeper into this mysterious cave, I became aware that this wasn't a cave. It was human being, I was inside the ear of a human being. This got me scared because if I walked out the human would probably squish me to death. So I decided I should stay in here and call it my new crib.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Life Lesson

The life lesson I learned is from a Allstate commercial. The lesson is that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. This means that if you have a bird in one hand it's worth two in the bush because, if you let go of the bird to try and get the two birds that were in the bush. There's a possibility that you couldn't catch both of them so you just wasted time on trying to get another bird and maybe you don't get none so now you have zero birds. It would've just been better just to keep the bird you already had. So lesson learned never try to get something better than you already have because maybe you end up with nothing.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Dime Without A Dime

     If I could pick whether to be handsome and poor or rich and ugly. I'd pick to be handsome because most likely if you picked the other option you'd be greedy and wouldn't really have any real friends. Money doesn't buy happiness so that's why I would rather be handsome. Most rich people the money gets to their head and they become self-indulgent, and poor people are usually nicer and hardworking. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

First Week of School

The first week of school is finally over and now we only have 171 days to go. This year I already now that Mr. Hays is gonna give us a ton of homework just like last year. Most of the other classes are pretty easy though a count from BIM which is too boring. It feels like an eternity just for that period to end and I always fall asleep in that class. Art is probably my favorite class, because it isn't hard and it's pretty fun. The week ended pretty good though. We won our JV and Varsity football games.