Friday, October 26, 2012


I think that everyone has a special talent whether they know it or not. I really don't know when or how I discovered my talent that I could draw. I guess it might have occurred when I won a drawing contest like in the second grade. Then I realized that I was kind of good at this. After that I just enjoyed drawing when I got bored.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Halloween is all about dressing up and getting candy. But is there a age limit when one should stop trick or treating? I don't think so, I think that anybody should be able to trick or treat. Not being able to receive candy just because your not wearing a costume just doesn't seem fair. Some kids don't like to dress up and they just want some candy. So I think that everybody should get to trick or treat.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Elementary Days

The elementary years those were the days. We had two recesses, P.E, and a pretty long lunch sounds like paradise now huh? Back in the day when being the fastest kid in school was the only thing that got the girls. Well I really can't remember too much about it though. The only things I remember is when we would go to wonderland and that was pretty fun.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"My Three Pet Peeves"

Pet Peeve - Noun - someone or something that does something that makes you want to punch them in the face!

1). When your driving behind someone and they don't turn their signal light on.
2). When people are talking during a movie.
3). When you buy a new phone and a couple of months later they come up with a new one.

Those are my top three things that grind my gears.