Friday, March 29, 2013


The EOC is like days away, get prepared to take the worst test of your life. I think it's complete udder crap that they make it a lot harder for us and even time us. I'm just ready I get it over with. I think I will pass with flying colors.

Monday, March 18, 2013

No Workout, No Worries

The Good: My favorite part of spring break was getting to go visit my friend from Arlington and stay there a week. Second best thing was that I didn't have no track workout to worry about which gave me time to recover and relax.

The Bad: The only bad thing was on Sunday night when you can no longer procrastinate any longer and have to start working on your homework. Then I got tired so I decided to wake up early to do it.

The Ugly: The sketchy moment when your skating around Arlington and you feel like your about to get jumped when you go by somebody. Because they stare you down for an entire block.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Most people in school probably think I'm real quite and shy. I don't think that's me though. I can be a completely different person outside of the classroom. Once you actually get to be around me you'll see that I do some pretty sketchy stuff and am not quiet at all. Actions do speak louder than words. I use them to express myself than rather use my opinions