Friday, September 30, 2011


I like mostly every kind of music, except country. The main kind of music I listen to is rap though and some spanish music. I like it because it expresses me and makes you want to fist pump. My favorite artist is Drake, because I can listen to his songs over and over and never get tired of them. My favorite song is “Headlines” by Drake. My least favorite artist is Justin Beber because his music bores me and I can’t stand it. My parents listen to a lot of spanish music, I approve of their music because since they play it a lot, I started liking it too. I really don’t know if they approve of my music though, because they don’t speak english so they don’t understand most of it.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Principles of Right & Wrong

The entertainment industry has definitely changed, and we have become more tolerant about language on television. I don’t think it’s wrong to have some language as long as children don’t watch shows that they aren’t old enough to watch, but some shows have crossed the line of whats right and whats wrong. Movies and television shows have started to show more language, nudity, and violence, the entertainment industry thinks that this will get more viewers but honestly they just want to make more money. The music industry has also changed, almost all of the songs that are produced now are explicit. I think that this is morally wrong because children shouldn’t be watching or listening to any of this stuff.

Friday, September 16, 2011


This is a picture of the teardrop monument, gave to the U.S by the Russians. This monument is located in New Jersey and is lined up with the Statue of Liberty. This teardrop not only represents the sadness that occurred the day of 9-11 but also hope for the future, free of terrorism. It represents hope because it shows that even though you have made us cry, you haven't broke our spirits to keep on going.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Favorite Past Times

Some of my favorite past times is with my friends. Just hanging out with them is fun, because we always do something crazy. When i’m with my friends i’m never bored and it’s always a good time. Another activity that I like to do is skateboard even though i’m probably the worst skater in the world, it’s pretty fun and it’s so hilarious when somebody, or you slams. I first became involved in it when one of my friends asked me if I wanted to go skate with him and then we just started skating a lot more. One of my hobbies I just like to do is, draw. I like to draw because, when i’m drawing I just forget about everything else and just draw what I see or feel.  I guess I got involved in drawing when I realized that I was actually pretty good at it. Another activity that I like to do is play soccer, it’s fun and its a good way to stay in shape. I first got involved in it when my cousin asked me if I wanted to go play soccer with him. Those are just some of my favorite past times.