Friday, September 9, 2011

Favorite Past Times

Some of my favorite past times is with my friends. Just hanging out with them is fun, because we always do something crazy. When i’m with my friends i’m never bored and it’s always a good time. Another activity that I like to do is skateboard even though i’m probably the worst skater in the world, it’s pretty fun and it’s so hilarious when somebody, or you slams. I first became involved in it when one of my friends asked me if I wanted to go skate with him and then we just started skating a lot more. One of my hobbies I just like to do is, draw. I like to draw because, when i’m drawing I just forget about everything else and just draw what I see or feel.  I guess I got involved in drawing when I realized that I was actually pretty good at it. Another activity that I like to do is play soccer, it’s fun and its a good way to stay in shape. I first got involved in it when my cousin asked me if I wanted to go play soccer with him. Those are just some of my favorite past times.

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