Monday, December 19, 2011


Dear Santa,
     I think that I have been pretty good this year but I have also been bad sometimes but for the most part I’ve been pretty good so I think I deserve a gift or something. So what I really want for Christmas is a AK-47 air soft gun so me and my friends can have air soft wars and that’s about it. Oh yeah and can I also get a Kawasaki Ninja 250R I really want one so yeah that would be really sweet.
Gerardo Ortiz

Thursday, December 15, 2011


     My favorite show of all time I think has to be Tosh.0. I discovered it last year as I was flipping through channels. The reason I like it so much is because it’s the funniest show ever. Even though it might be inappropriate at some moments, and it is  completely racist and sexist. It’s still funny since their not just making fun of one person they’re making fun of everybody so I think that makes it alright. It comes on Comedy Central on Tuesday nights and is hosted by Daniel Tosh.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Balls of Pain

     It all started one day at Shordan’s house. Shordan, Shayne, and me were just chilling in the backyard messing around with Shordan’s new air-soft gun. Then Shordan said “I bet your not a man enough to let me shoot you with my gun, with a full mag.” But you know me of coarse I’m going to accept his challenge. I told him that we should make a video out of it, so that’s what we did. Me being hasty decided to get the excruciating pain over with so we started recording and Shordan and Shayne started shooting. The bb’s were darting at me at about 360 fps (feet per second). As I stood there and took the agonizing pain I could only hope for the mag to discharge. After they ceased to shoot it had felt like a hundred bees had stung me, so I just plopped to the floor. I think that, that was the most painful thing I have ever experienced.

Friday, December 2, 2011

DropN Soap

    In my opinion soap is one of the greatest inventions of all time. It keeps us clean after we get dirty. It’s especially helpful after athletics, and after working all day. It keeps us from getting sick if we regularly wash our hands and keeps us free of disease. Soap was invented by the mesopatamians but they used it as a type of wax, but eventually they found out it could clean things. That is why I think that it is the greatest invention of all time.