Friday, March 30, 2012

I Told My Story To Make History

My favorite book of all time would have to be “Horton Hears A Who,” it’s such a great book. The lyrical verses of Dr. Seuss blow my mind every single time I flip the page. “Green Eggs and Ham,” is also on my top ten favorite books to read. My favorite song has got to be “Crew Love” by Drake because apparently we are loving the crew. My most favorite movie ever is “Never Back Down 2: the Beat-down.” It has professional MMA fighters in it and it also has “Max Copperman,” who looks a lot like Morty except with curlier hair and more coordination. It’s so motivational and makes you want to become a MMA fighter.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Dear Coach,
    As you have probably have noticed every body is hooked on “The Hunger Games”. You see people carrying those books around all the time. Most people have already read all three of the books. Everyone is dying to see the movie and I bet if you would allow it everyone could bring their own money for the movie. It’s a great book and I think we deserve a reward for being such good readers. Yeah so yeah. I would very much appreciate it and so would the rest of the class if you would let us see the movie.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Laid Up

     On those days when I wake up and I got that laid up feeling all I do is crawl back into bed and sleep a lil longer till I awake again to the smell of my mother’s delicious pancakes which she makes me when I’m sick. After I eat, I grab my princess blanket (JK) and go watch Tosh. 0 or Fantasy Factory on the TV. These shows makes me feel better because they make me laugh and always put me in a good mood. After I get bored of watching TV I just go lay down in my bed and play games while listening to music on my galaxy player. By the end of the day I’m usually felling better and go out and do something.

Friday, March 2, 2012


I had been camouflaged by the thick green trees for a couple of hours now, just waiting for the perfect moment to go for the kill. I had stalked my opponent, DropN Spirtz, for a long time and had figured out exactly what kind of artillery he was packing real talk. From the looks of it he had a sentry gun outside of his three room hut, he had constructed out of twan and branches. There was no way I could even get close to his position. I would have to develop a plan for him to leave his position. All I had in my possession was a flash-bang and a G36 assault rifle. I would use the flash-bang to take out the sentry gun and while he would walk outside to investigate what had happened I would run out into the lush field and with my precision red dot sight I would take him out with a single shot. I followed out with the plan and it worked exactly as I had calculated. The last words that he said before I pulled the trigger was “say it ain't so cuh” After his M4 dropped to the ground followed by his motionless body I stood over him and said “you’ve just been revoked.” Then I walked away from the battlefield 3 knowing that I was victor in this warfare.