Friday, March 2, 2012


I had been camouflaged by the thick green trees for a couple of hours now, just waiting for the perfect moment to go for the kill. I had stalked my opponent, DropN Spirtz, for a long time and had figured out exactly what kind of artillery he was packing real talk. From the looks of it he had a sentry gun outside of his three room hut, he had constructed out of twan and branches. There was no way I could even get close to his position. I would have to develop a plan for him to leave his position. All I had in my possession was a flash-bang and a G36 assault rifle. I would use the flash-bang to take out the sentry gun and while he would walk outside to investigate what had happened I would run out into the lush field and with my precision red dot sight I would take him out with a single shot. I followed out with the plan and it worked exactly as I had calculated. The last words that he said before I pulled the trigger was “say it ain't so cuh” After his M4 dropped to the ground followed by his motionless body I stood over him and said “you’ve just been revoked.” Then I walked away from the battlefield 3 knowing that I was victor in this warfare.

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