Friday, November 30, 2012

What Really Grinds My Gears

I'm not really the type of person who has a fast temper. It takes a lot to get me mad but if you do that's not good. I don't stay mad too long though. The last time that I got really mad was recently when my sister accused me of doing something that was completely out of my control. There was no way I could've avoided it and she's just pointed fingers at me just because it was in my possession. It wasn't my fault that the accident occurred so it wasn't justified.

Friday, November 16, 2012


There is many things that I am thankful for.

1. The first thing that I am thankful for is Jesus without him we all wouldn't be alive.
2. The second thing that I am thankful for is my friends and family. My family is always here for me when I need them and without my friends my life would be so boring. We always do crazy things that make my life a lot more interesting.
3. I am thankful that I always have a job that way I can pay for my own things.
4. I am thankful for my legs without them I wouldn't be able to get anywhere.
5. The last thing I am thankful for is for is my house.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Krispy Kreme, Long Rod, & Tactical Knife

There would be no question if I could decide who I would chose to be on a island with. I would chose Krispy Kreme because first of all he is the baddest of them all and second of all is because he would keep me entertained with his lyrical facetious raps. All we would need to do is survive and that's we're your fishing pole and your tactical knife come in handy. You can eat all the fish you want since a sea food buffet is basically right next to you. You could use the tactical knife to cut down objects and build new things.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Savvy Parents

     The daughter of the parents was being "fresh." Apparently she was talking back to them so they punished her by posting embarrassing pictures of themselves on her facebook.

     I think that the punishment was acceptable for the situation. The daughter shouldn't even be talking back. What would've been a even better punishment would have been to post embarrassing pictures of the daughter.

     In my opinion they had every right to do this. The parents do pay the bills so they have every right for everything she owns. If she was talking back they have the right to take away her phone.

     I couldn't see my mom doing this to me. First of all she doesn't know how to work my phone and second of all she doesn't know how to read english so she probably would have trouble using facebook. I could see her taking up my phone though.