Wednesday, December 19, 2012


If I had $100,000 and I could donate it to whoever I wanted, I would donate it to the opportunity center. They help lots of children by giving them a place to stay and helping them with their homework. They also provide a meal for the children. This money could go into helping the establishment and then they could expand into a global program.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


If cows could produce something else besides milk, I would want it to be powerade. What better way to replenish your electrolytes than by drinking some powerade fresh out of a cow's utter. There should be different kinds of cows that produce different flavors of powerade and some cows could produce the G series flavors. Then just bottle the powerade, which could later lead to a very profitable vending machine.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

School Improvments

As everyone knows the cafeteria food is not good, it's not even healthy. They tell you it's healthy but when you see a puddle of grease at the bottom of your nachos it's hard to believe that is. So if I could add anything to our school it would be healthier and better tasting food. You should have options of what you want to eat. I would also add a coffee station that would be available to students too because when your in BIM, it's literally mission impossible to stay awake. I would add more comfortable desks because if you had a more comfortable environment it would make you pay attention more and not worry about your back problems. I would get tablets for everyone with cases that way no one can break theirs since nobody even uses their laptop anymore. Last but not least I would get turf for our football field.