Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Do you want fries with that?

1. First of all, you can't drop out because without a high school diploma it's nearly impractical to get a job
2. The second reason you shouldn't drop out is because the things you learn in high school can help you in your field of work.
3.You've been to school basically all of life so it wouldn't hurt to finish.
4. After you finish high school, you can go to college or a career school but without a high school diploma they won't accept you.
5. You don't want to end up filling out an application at McDonald's one of these days. So finish high school!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

No Power, No Toilets!

After the inconveniences our passengers have encountered on our crew ship. I have to inform the public that we will be working on developing on a backup energy source. The technology that we are trying to produce, the arc reactor, maybe only a couple of years from our hands but I believe that we can pull it off. The main problem the passengers had was the toilets and no running water. I'm sure there's also a couple fights for whoever got the last doughnut and whose turn it was to charge their smartphone. After the development of this technology it will be able to keep the ship running for over a week. I apologize for the inconveniences that our loyal customers had to experience and I state that it will not happen again.

Friday, February 15, 2013


If I were invisible for one hour I would go and find the fastest truck here in Wellington then hot wire it. I would lure the cops to follow me in a high speed car chase. Then I would just drive it as fast as I could and Tokyo drift around wellington till the tires popped. Then I would just walk out and they wouldn't notice me so then I'd steal one of their guns and all the ammunition so I could store in my basement that I have prepared for the zombie apocalypse. Then I'd go in my house and scare my mom.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Are we that obese?

The nation is trying to band unhealthy food from our schools but will that really help us get healthy? Probably not, just because we can't get it at school won't mean kids won't buy it anywhere else. The state has already changed our school lunches to taste like unpleasant tasteless food. Which forces us to have lunch somewhere else. If the lunches were actually edible than maybe we wouldn't buy unhealthy snacks.