Thursday, October 27, 2011


     The presentation from yesterday really made a statement. Things can happen in just a matter of seconds. Your whole life can change just by you taking your eyes off the road for a second. There is many consequences for texting and driving or while under the influence of alcohol. Many people can die or get seriously injured by someone who isn't paying attention while driving. There is also many consequences if you take drugs or steroids. Your lungs can get messed up and then you'll have to carry an oxygen tank around wherever you go. If you take steroids it doesn't make you stronger and it defiantly doesn't make you better looking. It messes up your life that's why you need to stay above the influence and always drive carefully.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Unjust Society

     Today’s court system is definitely not impartial. Regular law abiding citizens don’t get special treatment as do celebrities and people that are wealthy. Lindsey Lohan is an example, she only got sent to do community service after she stole a $2,500 necklace. Which as if a regular person would have stolen anything they would’ve got sent to jail or have had to do something more serious than doing community service. Lindsey also violated her parole by showing up to community service forty minutes late, but this isn’t the first time Lindsey has gotten in trouble with the law. She has also been caught driving drunk in 2007. The consequences for everybody’s actions all need to be the same, because if only some people get off easy, they will never learn their lesson and will continue breaking laws.

Friday, October 21, 2011


    Halloween is always a fun time of year, you get lots of candy and your practically out all night. I don’t go trick or treating but always steal my little sister’s candy that she brings home. I don’t recall that many halloween nights, but I can remember one. It was halloween and my cousin and I went to the movies to watch a scary movie.  After we got home we just went walking around town, we didn’t really do much the rest of the night just kind of chilled. That’s the only halloween I can remember.
     My favorite ghost story that I have ever heard is the one that my mom told me. She told me the story of “La Llorona” which means crying lady in Spanish. It’s the story of a women that drowned her children in a river and now cries for her children. She told me that when she used to live in Mexico she once heard her shrieking cry, and that my grandmother had also heard it.
    I don’t really know any halloween jokes so I just got these from google, they aren’t really funny but they’re the only okay ones I found.

Why don’t skeletons like parties?
They have no body to dance with.

What do you call a fat Jack-O-Lantern?
A plumpkin

When is it bad luck to meet a black cat?
When you’re a mouse.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I Am Legend

Your legacy is something that people will remember you by. By the time I’m gone, I hope that people will remember me as someone who has changed the world and saved lives. I want to pursue a career where I can save lives, but also change the world.  I think choosing a career like this will help me with the legacy I’m trying to leave behind. I think maybe joining the army or doing something of that sort, I will be able to fulfill my legacy. That’s the reason I think God put me on this Earth, to save lives. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Worst Food Ever

The most repulsive food that has ever slithered down my throat has got to be rotten milk. It was a summer morning and I was making some cereal for breakfast and there was two gallons of milk in the fridge, I got the 2% because it was the one that was already open. I poured it into my bowl and finished the whole gallon because there was only a little bit left. Then my little cousin, said he wanted some cereal so I made him some and I opened the other gallon of milk and I poured it into his bowl. After he took his first bite, he said that the milk tasted sickening, I didn’t pay much attention to him though. He kept on saying that it was disgusting, so i finally decided to try it. As I picked up the spoon of the most repellent food ever, it looked fine to me. Then I took the bite and it was definitely everything he said it was and more, it was foul, vile, and nauseating. I almost threw up after that, so I immediately threw it away and that was the end of that.