Friday, October 21, 2011


    Halloween is always a fun time of year, you get lots of candy and your practically out all night. I don’t go trick or treating but always steal my little sister’s candy that she brings home. I don’t recall that many halloween nights, but I can remember one. It was halloween and my cousin and I went to the movies to watch a scary movie.  After we got home we just went walking around town, we didn’t really do much the rest of the night just kind of chilled. That’s the only halloween I can remember.
     My favorite ghost story that I have ever heard is the one that my mom told me. She told me the story of “La Llorona” which means crying lady in Spanish. It’s the story of a women that drowned her children in a river and now cries for her children. She told me that when she used to live in Mexico she once heard her shrieking cry, and that my grandmother had also heard it.
    I don’t really know any halloween jokes so I just got these from google, they aren’t really funny but they’re the only okay ones I found.

Why don’t skeletons like parties?
They have no body to dance with.

What do you call a fat Jack-O-Lantern?
A plumpkin

When is it bad luck to meet a black cat?
When you’re a mouse.

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