Thursday, October 6, 2011

Worst Food Ever

The most repulsive food that has ever slithered down my throat has got to be rotten milk. It was a summer morning and I was making some cereal for breakfast and there was two gallons of milk in the fridge, I got the 2% because it was the one that was already open. I poured it into my bowl and finished the whole gallon because there was only a little bit left. Then my little cousin, said he wanted some cereal so I made him some and I opened the other gallon of milk and I poured it into his bowl. After he took his first bite, he said that the milk tasted sickening, I didn’t pay much attention to him though. He kept on saying that it was disgusting, so i finally decided to try it. As I picked up the spoon of the most repellent food ever, it looked fine to me. Then I took the bite and it was definitely everything he said it was and more, it was foul, vile, and nauseating. I almost threw up after that, so I immediately threw it away and that was the end of that.

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