Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hitler is Dead
If I could go back to any other era I would choose to go back to the 1940’s. For one reason only, to stop the holocaust. According to my calculations if I were to stop Hitler from becoming the chancellor of Germany, the holocaust would’ve never occurred.  So I would return to the past and bring my secret weapon to take down Hitler.  I would learn everything about Hitler then when the time was right I would climb on top of a building and pull out my secret weapon, a Barrett 50. cal. As I had him in my sights I thought to myself “what a ugly mustache.” Then I put the suppressor on my Barrett so nobody would be able to hear me and got him in my sights again but this time I saw a shadowy figure behind him, I couldn’t quite make out the face but telling by the body figure it looked exactly like Shawnathon, he was holding a tactical knife and was about to kill Hitler. So then I pulled the trigger and killed him first. After the job was done I’d leave the area. Then I would travel to the U.S and live a regular life.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Whale Slapped

    As Shonathan, Jordan, and I swam to shore I could see a huge crowd on the bay which appeared to be news reporters. I explained to them exactly what happened from my point of view. We were deep in the middle of the sea trying to catch a good wave. Shonathan and Jordan were out on their surf boards while I was on the boat. Then all of a sudden I see a massive blue figure swimming right next to the boat. Then it popped up about 10 feet and all I see is Shonathan getting slapped in the face by the whale’s tail fin then a big slam. The whales fin had hit the boat and completely demolished it. As I try to surface I see the wild beast swim away and Jordan helping Shonathan since he can’t swim. We then grabbed a hold of any floating object we saw and swam back to shore.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

G-Man 2.0

Illustration by Gerardo Ortiz
    If my best friend, Shordan, was sent to jail for something he didn’t do and I had superpowers this is how it would go. First of all Shordan was sent to jail for stealing something that we all know he wouldn’t do. He was sent to jail for stealing MW3, but since he’s my best friend I would get all suited up into my superhero costume, which kind of looks like a cooler version of flash 2.0. My super powers are that I can move at amazing speeds, I have super strength, and the ability to fly. I would arrive at the prison and run past the guards and take their guns so they can’t shoot me. Then I would run to the cell that Shordan was in and bend the bars with my incredible super strength then I would bust the wall down and fly away to a safe location. My superhero name is the G-man.