Friday, November 11, 2011

Whale Slapped

    As Shonathan, Jordan, and I swam to shore I could see a huge crowd on the bay which appeared to be news reporters. I explained to them exactly what happened from my point of view. We were deep in the middle of the sea trying to catch a good wave. Shonathan and Jordan were out on their surf boards while I was on the boat. Then all of a sudden I see a massive blue figure swimming right next to the boat. Then it popped up about 10 feet and all I see is Shonathan getting slapped in the face by the whale’s tail fin then a big slam. The whales fin had hit the boat and completely demolished it. As I try to surface I see the wild beast swim away and Jordan helping Shonathan since he can’t swim. We then grabbed a hold of any floating object we saw and swam back to shore.

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