Thursday, November 3, 2011

G-Man 2.0

Illustration by Gerardo Ortiz
    If my best friend, Shordan, was sent to jail for something he didn’t do and I had superpowers this is how it would go. First of all Shordan was sent to jail for stealing something that we all know he wouldn’t do. He was sent to jail for stealing MW3, but since he’s my best friend I would get all suited up into my superhero costume, which kind of looks like a cooler version of flash 2.0. My super powers are that I can move at amazing speeds, I have super strength, and the ability to fly. I would arrive at the prison and run past the guards and take their guns so they can’t shoot me. Then I would run to the cell that Shordan was in and bend the bars with my incredible super strength then I would bust the wall down and fly away to a safe location. My superhero name is the G-man.

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