Wednesday, December 19, 2012


If I had $100,000 and I could donate it to whoever I wanted, I would donate it to the opportunity center. They help lots of children by giving them a place to stay and helping them with their homework. They also provide a meal for the children. This money could go into helping the establishment and then they could expand into a global program.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


If cows could produce something else besides milk, I would want it to be powerade. What better way to replenish your electrolytes than by drinking some powerade fresh out of a cow's utter. There should be different kinds of cows that produce different flavors of powerade and some cows could produce the G series flavors. Then just bottle the powerade, which could later lead to a very profitable vending machine.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

School Improvments

As everyone knows the cafeteria food is not good, it's not even healthy. They tell you it's healthy but when you see a puddle of grease at the bottom of your nachos it's hard to believe that is. So if I could add anything to our school it would be healthier and better tasting food. You should have options of what you want to eat. I would also add a coffee station that would be available to students too because when your in BIM, it's literally mission impossible to stay awake. I would add more comfortable desks because if you had a more comfortable environment it would make you pay attention more and not worry about your back problems. I would get tablets for everyone with cases that way no one can break theirs since nobody even uses their laptop anymore. Last but not least I would get turf for our football field.

Friday, November 30, 2012

What Really Grinds My Gears

I'm not really the type of person who has a fast temper. It takes a lot to get me mad but if you do that's not good. I don't stay mad too long though. The last time that I got really mad was recently when my sister accused me of doing something that was completely out of my control. There was no way I could've avoided it and she's just pointed fingers at me just because it was in my possession. It wasn't my fault that the accident occurred so it wasn't justified.

Friday, November 16, 2012


There is many things that I am thankful for.

1. The first thing that I am thankful for is Jesus without him we all wouldn't be alive.
2. The second thing that I am thankful for is my friends and family. My family is always here for me when I need them and without my friends my life would be so boring. We always do crazy things that make my life a lot more interesting.
3. I am thankful that I always have a job that way I can pay for my own things.
4. I am thankful for my legs without them I wouldn't be able to get anywhere.
5. The last thing I am thankful for is for is my house.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Krispy Kreme, Long Rod, & Tactical Knife

There would be no question if I could decide who I would chose to be on a island with. I would chose Krispy Kreme because first of all he is the baddest of them all and second of all is because he would keep me entertained with his lyrical facetious raps. All we would need to do is survive and that's we're your fishing pole and your tactical knife come in handy. You can eat all the fish you want since a sea food buffet is basically right next to you. You could use the tactical knife to cut down objects and build new things.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Savvy Parents

     The daughter of the parents was being "fresh." Apparently she was talking back to them so they punished her by posting embarrassing pictures of themselves on her facebook.

     I think that the punishment was acceptable for the situation. The daughter shouldn't even be talking back. What would've been a even better punishment would have been to post embarrassing pictures of the daughter.

     In my opinion they had every right to do this. The parents do pay the bills so they have every right for everything she owns. If she was talking back they have the right to take away her phone.

     I couldn't see my mom doing this to me. First of all she doesn't know how to work my phone and second of all she doesn't know how to read english so she probably would have trouble using facebook. I could see her taking up my phone though.

Friday, October 26, 2012


I think that everyone has a special talent whether they know it or not. I really don't know when or how I discovered my talent that I could draw. I guess it might have occurred when I won a drawing contest like in the second grade. Then I realized that I was kind of good at this. After that I just enjoyed drawing when I got bored.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Halloween is all about dressing up and getting candy. But is there a age limit when one should stop trick or treating? I don't think so, I think that anybody should be able to trick or treat. Not being able to receive candy just because your not wearing a costume just doesn't seem fair. Some kids don't like to dress up and they just want some candy. So I think that everybody should get to trick or treat.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Elementary Days

The elementary years those were the days. We had two recesses, P.E, and a pretty long lunch sounds like paradise now huh? Back in the day when being the fastest kid in school was the only thing that got the girls. Well I really can't remember too much about it though. The only things I remember is when we would go to wonderland and that was pretty fun.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"My Three Pet Peeves"

Pet Peeve - Noun - someone or something that does something that makes you want to punch them in the face!

1). When your driving behind someone and they don't turn their signal light on.
2). When people are talking during a movie.
3). When you buy a new phone and a couple of months later they come up with a new one.

Those are my top three things that grind my gears.

Friday, September 28, 2012

New Crib

     After arriving at my house one Saturday evening I noticed that someone had destroyed my home. The  web that took me an entire 40 minutes to complete was now destroyed, this really got me annoyed because that was the 3rd time this has happened this week. So I decided I should just relocate to another destination. I was entering this dark fuzzy hole that  seemed to be pretty cozy. As I went deeper into this mysterious cave, I became aware that this wasn't a cave. It was human being, I was inside the ear of a human being. This got me scared because if I walked out the human would probably squish me to death. So I decided I should stay in here and call it my new crib.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Life Lesson

The life lesson I learned is from a Allstate commercial. The lesson is that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. This means that if you have a bird in one hand it's worth two in the bush because, if you let go of the bird to try and get the two birds that were in the bush. There's a possibility that you couldn't catch both of them so you just wasted time on trying to get another bird and maybe you don't get none so now you have zero birds. It would've just been better just to keep the bird you already had. So lesson learned never try to get something better than you already have because maybe you end up with nothing.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Dime Without A Dime

     If I could pick whether to be handsome and poor or rich and ugly. I'd pick to be handsome because most likely if you picked the other option you'd be greedy and wouldn't really have any real friends. Money doesn't buy happiness so that's why I would rather be handsome. Most rich people the money gets to their head and they become self-indulgent, and poor people are usually nicer and hardworking. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

First Week of School

The first week of school is finally over and now we only have 171 days to go. This year I already now that Mr. Hays is gonna give us a ton of homework just like last year. Most of the other classes are pretty easy though a count from BIM which is too boring. It feels like an eternity just for that period to end and I always fall asleep in that class. Art is probably my favorite class, because it isn't hard and it's pretty fun. The week ended pretty good though. We won our JV and Varsity football games.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Top 5 things to do when your bored!

1). Shooting guns or just blowing things up. Also having air-soft wars.
2). Park-our - Jumping across obstacles and doing tricks while looking cool.
3). Skateboarding, rollerblading, and dancing.
4). Gymkhana - The act of drifting in a empty parking lot or a wide open space.
5). Snailing - The act of laying on random objects in the form of a snail. (10X more hardcore than planking.)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Know when to stop

     In some cases doing less is sometimes better than doing more. Like for instance if your doing parkour and jumping over things and doing flips and you try to do a trick and you do it perfectly right the first time, know when to stop. Because if you do it again you can seriously injure yourself or break something really expensive. You need to know when to stop because the second time doesn’t always work out. In this case doing less is better than doing more.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mami and Papi

I think that when my parents where my age they probably acted a lot like me. I know that my mom was hardworking because she always tells me about when she was a teenager she would help my grandma around the house and babysit her little sisters. She also told me that she would sneak out and go to dances. That sounds a lot like me. My dad on the other hand I don't know how he used to be, he never told me about when he was a teenager.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


     The New York City subway is a parallel universe where fights start and end without a reason. Apparently a women and a man got into a fight on a subway. The woman accused the man of following her and then started throwing punches and kicks. Then who do you know comes to the rescue? Snackman, he steps in the middle of fight and then starts eating potato chips this defuses the situation. This tactic is probably some kind of Navy Seal trick. After the fight stopped people forced the male aggressor to get off at the next stop. Will Snackman take credit for his heroic abilities or will he keep his identity a secret? Either way the New York City subways will never be the same.

Friday, March 30, 2012

I Told My Story To Make History

My favorite book of all time would have to be “Horton Hears A Who,” it’s such a great book. The lyrical verses of Dr. Seuss blow my mind every single time I flip the page. “Green Eggs and Ham,” is also on my top ten favorite books to read. My favorite song has got to be “Crew Love” by Drake because apparently we are loving the crew. My most favorite movie ever is “Never Back Down 2: the Beat-down.” It has professional MMA fighters in it and it also has “Max Copperman,” who looks a lot like Morty except with curlier hair and more coordination. It’s so motivational and makes you want to become a MMA fighter.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Dear Coach,
    As you have probably have noticed every body is hooked on “The Hunger Games”. You see people carrying those books around all the time. Most people have already read all three of the books. Everyone is dying to see the movie and I bet if you would allow it everyone could bring their own money for the movie. It’s a great book and I think we deserve a reward for being such good readers. Yeah so yeah. I would very much appreciate it and so would the rest of the class if you would let us see the movie.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Laid Up

     On those days when I wake up and I got that laid up feeling all I do is crawl back into bed and sleep a lil longer till I awake again to the smell of my mother’s delicious pancakes which she makes me when I’m sick. After I eat, I grab my princess blanket (JK) and go watch Tosh. 0 or Fantasy Factory on the TV. These shows makes me feel better because they make me laugh and always put me in a good mood. After I get bored of watching TV I just go lay down in my bed and play games while listening to music on my galaxy player. By the end of the day I’m usually felling better and go out and do something.

Friday, March 2, 2012


I had been camouflaged by the thick green trees for a couple of hours now, just waiting for the perfect moment to go for the kill. I had stalked my opponent, DropN Spirtz, for a long time and had figured out exactly what kind of artillery he was packing real talk. From the looks of it he had a sentry gun outside of his three room hut, he had constructed out of twan and branches. There was no way I could even get close to his position. I would have to develop a plan for him to leave his position. All I had in my possession was a flash-bang and a G36 assault rifle. I would use the flash-bang to take out the sentry gun and while he would walk outside to investigate what had happened I would run out into the lush field and with my precision red dot sight I would take him out with a single shot. I followed out with the plan and it worked exactly as I had calculated. The last words that he said before I pulled the trigger was “say it ain't so cuh” After his M4 dropped to the ground followed by his motionless body I stood over him and said “you’ve just been revoked.” Then I walked away from the battlefield 3 knowing that I was victor in this warfare.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mr. Hands

     I woke up strapped to a table unable to move. Just a minute ago I was trotting through a luscious green field just enjoying the freedom I had, then all of a sudden I had blacked out and now I was awake. I looked at my surroundings but the room was pitch black and I was unable to move because I was strapped down tight. Minutes went by then hours then when I surely thought I was going to die from starvation, I saw a light coming from the other end of the room. The door creaked open and a big man that kinda looked like Mr. Chiquitillo Jalapeno Junior walked inside, then when he got close enough that I could actually see his face, I noticed that it wasn’t Mr. Chiquitillo Jalapeno Junior because that man had a pedostach. He looked at me with a devilish grin on his face and slowly took out something huge from his fanny pack that he was wearing. I couldn’t quite make out what the large item was. Then he took it out of his case and I noticed that it was a needle. This man was going to inject me with steroids. He explained to me what his plan was as he inserted the huge needle into my butt. As the needle penetrated my skin I made a loud neigh. He said that he was going to inject a lot of steroids into me and put me in horse races to win him money. That really didn’t bother me I had always wanted to be a famous race horse. After he was done giving me about fifty shots of steroids he let me run free. So now I’m scratching my butt on the fence because that shot that he gave me really irritated it.

Friday, February 10, 2012


     The water was calm and the weather was perfect for a fishing trip today. Gracie and her pa were going out to their little lake that they have in their backyard. The reason that they were fishing is because there wasn’t any food in the fridge and pa was too lazy to drive to the store so they decided to try and catch a fish. As they arrived at the fishing spot pa said “Let me show you how it’s done Gracie.” He then cast the fishing rod into the huge lake, he sat near the edge of the water and explained to Gracie how to fish and the importance of patience when you’re fishing. They sat still and a few minutes past but still nothing, pa was about to reel it back in but then he felt something pulling on the fishing line. He then started to reel it in really quick but he had caught a big one and the fish was putting up a good fight. Pa stood up to get more strength but as soon as he stood up the fish pulled him into the lake and he schlagered on the bottom of the lake. Gracie just busted out laughing like a dying dog for two straight minutes till Pa said “quit laughing you little kid! This was a bad idea lets just go get a mcgangbang at McDonalds.” Gracie agreed and they left immediately.

Schlagered-The act of falling face first then hands second

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Spidey Senses

Sight: The sight of a alluring double rainbow all the way across the sky.
Touch: The soothing touch of water as your swimming.
Sound: The phenomenal sound of a car with a beast exhaust system.
Taste: The luscious taste of a cheesecake.
Smell: The smell of mouthwatering pancakes and bacon strips in the morning.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Never say Never...Okay Maybe Sometimes

To me forgiving is something real easy to do. The statement “Not forgiving someone is like drinking the poison and waiting for the other man to die” to me it means that if you hold a grudge it’s like drinking poison it only cause you harm and not the other person. So forgive and forget, life goes on.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


If I could be a fly on the wall I would want to observe all my teachers when they are making the semester test. This would give me an advantage because I would know all the answers to all the semester test, this would make the last week of school the easiest ever. I would also like to observe when they are making the star test, so when I take those test, it’s easy. I would also enjoy being a fly, it would be fun because you can fly around and make people mad by buzzing around them.

Friday, January 13, 2012


     Sovietopia is a island located on a island on in the middle of the atlantic ocean. A utopia is a place where everything is perfect, that’s why sovietopia is all controlled by a computer. The computer is in the center of the island and was created by Stephan Hawkings, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs. With these three intelligent people, they made the greatest operating system of all time, it never makes a mistake. The system is called macwindowshawkings. They really couldn’t come up with a name so they just mixed their names together. The whole island has roads for cars, but in sovietopia car drives you. Anyone can live in sovietopia but in order to live their they have to pay one million dollars per person since the island so perfect. Their is many laws in sovietopia and if you break any of the laws, the law will break you and you will be released back into your old habitat.